Day 28, Winnett to Lewistown, 55 miles

Thursday June 25, 2020, 55 miles (89 km) - Total so far: 1,586 miles (2,552 km)

I forgot to describe the new scenery, sorry. When I add pics you'll see: pine trees. The difference between the grasslands of the Dakotas and eastern Montana are subtle. Montana's seem like short grass. There is also sage and exposed rock mixed into the landscape. THEN suddenly a pine tree or two studding the hillside. Sort of that Ponerosa look.

And, like a mirage on the horizon: a line of light blue mountains off in the distance.

Last night it stormed. Because of the distance, lack of services (aka, places to take a break), and heat predicted, I woke up at 4 and was riding by 5:30 a.m. The first 13 miles were easy, level. I even rode in my first gear which I haven't been in for 3 weeks. Then wind resistance, nothing crazy, but a steady west wind at maybe 17 mph. I had to gear down to pedal into it, which was sad because it was so flat, finally. I just had no energy. At 11 took my first break at 41 miles. Then

The climbing began. I was going over that ridgeline of mountains, the Judith Range. It was hard climbing compounded with the wind. And, my butt hurt. At the break I slathered hydrocortisone ointment but I really need time off the saddle. I made it up. Then about 5 miles down into town.

I stopped at the Wagon Wheel drive thru. Will write a review later, but GREAT food. I called my Ft. Benton host, still unsure if staying over in Lewistown tonight and going on tomorrow 38 miles to Stanford or maybe getting picked up. Right now at the library. I have connectivity, so have scouted out camping at Kiwanis campground.
