Plans for Summer


Plant garden [x]

Heat wave [x]

Multi-day bike ride [x]

Grill-out with friends [forthcoming]

I’ve been making a list of things to do now that life and work have reached an equilibrium. I’ve gone through my floor training and now can work on a more reliable schedule and have figured out where the MSU Dairy Store is. I love taking bike rides in the cool of the evening. My grandson and I take bike rides in the morning and count bunnies. Yesterday on a walk we spied three deer quickly disappear into a woods.

Right now trying to figure out a date for a backyard picnic with friends. I just don’t want to get to the end of July and ask myself—Where has the time gone? What have I done this summer? This weekend there is a Meridian Township celebration with fireworks. Whenever I see the signs I’m reminded of the Talking Heads film True Stories where a small Texas town has its  "Celebration of Specialness:" where even the mundane deserves a special day of celebration. For example being able to check your bank account online, your order from Amazon arriving in a box without being smashed to pieces, finding lox at the grocery store, a new Trader Joes opening up down the street! We’re all celebrating our own small victories.

