Day 2, Fallasburg Park to Alma, 63 miles

I scurried to set up my tent for stealth camp just minutes before the storm hit. The weather cleared the park, but also meant I didn't set up beneath a shelter like I'd intended. I got the tent up and clambered in with my stuff to sort out inside. Water unfortunately got in and I had to deal with that as well as residual clamminess. There was nothing to be done about it: It was a soggy night. But, quiet after the storm.

In the a.m. I had to pack up wet and sort've wet stuff. I ate hot oatmeal at the shelter and used the restroom before leaving at 7:30.

It was hard going. I was supposed to follow Fallasburg Park road to eventually meet up with Flat River trail, but ended up on Lake Lincoln Hwy, which seemed busy for a Memorial Day morning. I took McPherson to get on the trail which is "recycled asphalt"--it was horrible stuff. I only made maybe 8 miles an hour on it. It was like riding on a broken down roadway.

I continually had to keep gearing down and my bottom and legs hurt. The crumbly surface wore me out.

At Greenville I got on a paved surface, but was completely wasted. I struggled to get to Erdmore, 43 miles, where I had a Burger King meal and tried to regain some energy.

It was mostly downhill to Alma and I powered through the 20 miles in 90 min. reaching Alma at around 3:30 where I scouted out the Great Wall Chinese take away and used the bathroom.

Where I'm stealth camping is completely closed off to vehicles and very private.

The big thing about today's ride was that it drizzled the entire time up to Erdmore and after that the wind also became stronger. Temps were rather cool in the upper 50s. So kept riding to stay warm. At a potty stop I forgot my gloves. Found one stuck between my bags and tent on rack, but the other is lost. On the good side my meal from the Great Wall which I ate at my campsite was fabulous. Enough for breakfast and lunch tomorrow.
