Please Order My Books

You’ll likely see this plea for the month of December. My books are available for download through Amazon Kindle and Smashwords (click on either to go to those pages). Also through Amazon you can order paperbacks of most of my titles. Through month of December Smashword downloads are 25-50% off.

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Freeze Frame: How To Write Flash Memoir

Many of us are looking to write memories—either in the form of literary memoir or simply to record family history. This how-to book looks at memoir in small, bite-size pieces, helping the writer to isolate or freeze-frame a moment and then distill it onto paper.

What reviewers are saying:
Mary Ellen Gambutti
5.0 stars Excellent#
I have read this book twice, and highlighted extensively. As a new memoir writer who works in slice of life and brief moments, I find her approach helpful. Highly recommend to all writers of memoir. Enjoyable read!

Karen Douglass
5.0 stars Free to Write Short
Just recommended this book to my memoir-writing friends. She has freed me from the shackles of narrative and chronology.
