New Work Out

Check out Issue 7 of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts

Pensive is out of the Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service at Northeastern University. The journal is available after Nov. 28th for purchase or click on the cover at the website to browse.

The story is entitled Little Norway and I wrote here recently about how I came to cobble together my ideas for the piece using found memories and experiences—and, a bit of my bike ride across the state of North Dakota. It’s amazing how when we let ourselves go to create what we draw in or ruminate about when allowed. I pulled on various threads to knit together Little Norway.

Opening paragraph:

Thelma ran a rag over the church kitchen Formica counter while listening to Pastor Rolfson go on and on. He did that a lot. Rambled. Though, to be clear, Thelma let her mind wander just as much.

Yes, things were changing and not always for the better—was what Pastor Rolfson was saying. The beads of water from her rag rose up like tiny pearls only to dissipate into thin air. He was usually right, she told herself. At least in his mind. He was talking about an invasion.
