Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale!

Smashwords Read an Ebook Week Sale!

March 5, 2022 - March 11, 2023
Fiction is FREE all other books 50% off

Jane Hertenstein

Jane Hertenstein is the author of over 90 published stories, a combination of fiction, creative non-fiction, and blurred genre both micro and macro. In addition she has published a YA novel, Beyond Paradise, and a non-fiction project, Orphan Girl: The Memoir of a Chicago Bag Lady, which garnered national reviews. She is a 2-time recipient of a grant from the Illinois Arts Council. She also is in demand as a seminar teacher for Flash Memoir. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in: Hunger Mountain, Rosebud, Word Riot, Flashquake, Fiction Fix, Frostwriting, and several themed anthologies. She can be found at Her latest eBook are Freeze Frame: How To Write Flash Memoir and 365 Affirmations for the Writer.
