Sitting with Anticipation

We’re being teased. One day it is birdsong and walking outside with no hat or gloves to the next day biting winds.

I drag my lawn chair out of the shed in order to sit on the deck in the warm sun and drink my tea, only hours later to inside when a cloud passes overhead. In the past two weeks we’ve had snow, freezing rain, an ice storm, and now waiting on a snow storm predicted to dump up to a foot of heavy wet accumulation.

Even the birds are subdued. The last heavy winds knocked the squirrel’s nest out of the tall hardwood next door. Temps are right around the freezing mark. Highs and lows collide.

Writing this I had a movie memory flash—that moment in Enchanted April when the two women journeying to Italy in a torrential rain awake the next morning to brilliant sunshine, warmth, to Spring. I await that moment—it won’t be today.
