Thank you , Universe

 Well, thank you Universe! Thank you God!

After my exercise in listing what it was I wanted in accommodation in Michigan (click on link)—I got an answer.

I wrote that post on a Thursday late morning. A few hours went by and I checked Craigslist. What I found at the top, just landed there, was exactly what I’d described. A professor at MSU who often travels (3 weeks out of a month) was looking for a roommate not just to cut expenses but sort of look after things. We called and chatted that evening. By Friday lunchtime I was the forerunner candidate. By evening I was her choice.

How does one write about the synchronicity, the coincidence of just this: an answer to prayer.

I put it out there.

So next steps are a job and actually getting there—all things will come to those who wait, and seek.
