Novel in a Year, from Story Studio
So to start this new year . . . 2021.
I applied for a grant from the City of Chicago, deadline
Dec. 1—but, first, in order to get the money I needed a project, which
propelled me into researching possibilities.
Since there was/is a pandemic, I couldn’t apply for
residencies or conferences. As a mid-level (at best) writer/author I didn’t
want to do seminars, especially of basics. I’ve been a part of OCWW, SCBWI for
the past ten to fifteen years—and wanted to go beyond what those organizations
offered. The grant was specific: monies couldn’t go to a graduate program.
As a Chicago resident I’ve been aware of and actually visited
Story Studio (coincidentally up the street from where I lived). Lived.
I was also contemplating some left turns. Story Studio
Novel-in-a-Year class for YA/MG with James Klise seemed perfect. The class was
selective; I had to apply at once and still not know if I made it in by the
deadline for the grant.
Well, I got into the class and made a deposit (with fingers
crossed I’ll get the grant). At the same time I packed my bicycle and a suitcase
and landed in Eugene, OR.
So I start a new year with a new city, new writing program
(which I can do remote by ZOOM), new job, a totally NEW direction. It is
certainly a boost to my writing. Whereas last year I was caught flat-footed pivoting
and dealing with depression, I now feel like I’m ready to face what’s out
Thus, this week I start the NIAY program and have had a
number of new acceptances for my work. Check out Other Writing for
announcements of forthcoming!