Hot Flash Friday: The Woodshop

The Woodshop

Joan Didion spent the night in the same room as her work when it was almost finished. Don DeLillo kept a picture of Borges close by. Where, and how, do you do your work?

CutBank Literary Journal is looking for photos of writers’ workspaces, and some thoughts about their practice. Take a few moments to respond to the following:
  1. Where do you do your work?
  2. What do you keep on your desk?
  3. What's your view like?
  4. What do you eat/drink while you work?
  5. Do you have any superstitions about your work?
  6. Share a recent line/sentence written in this space.
Then, along with your responses, send us a well-lit, high-resolution photo of your workspace. [Note: Please keep files smaller than 1MB.]

Submissions should also include your name, e-mail address, a brief bio, and a link to your website. Please email your submissions and use “Woodshop” as your subject.

Right now write: a brief flash about your workplace--where you create.
