
 In my last post I linked to Jeremy Nicholls blog Setting Prisoners Free.

Jeremy was head of the Men’s Program with Franck and Andre as undersecretaries. There were more professional terms but really they were the guys over the guys. A few weeks ago CCO lost one of their main guys: Franck.

He was only 53.

I can’t remember how long I’ve known Franck—it’s been that long. Whenever I think of CCO, it’s with Franck in mind. You see, he started there as a resident.

Franck knew homelessness from the inside out.

He came to this country from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from one of its iterations, from one of its many conflicts. He’d been unfortunately on the wrong side. He came and struggled with employment and finding housing—all the things necessary for establishing a beachhead somewhere new. After a stint at the shelter, Sandy Ramsey our director was walking by on the sidewalk and saw Franck and asked him if he needed a job, if yes follow me. He followed her into CCO and became a figurehead there over the years. After Jeremy left to go back to New Zealand, Franck became the Program Director.

I usually interfaced with Franck and Andre before and after running a talking group. Franck was a gentle, sometimes stern, often contrary, but fun-loving guy. He knew French and could dialogue with clients who only conversed in that language, helping them sort out the complicated process of coming to a new country. Eventually Franck became a US citizen.

I was shocked at his passing (maybe not so much after learning of past medical problems) and was saddened. Life is so precious. Franck in so many ways you will be missed. You represented the spirit of the men we seek to reach: Someone with a warrior’s heart, ready to take on challenges and also show mercy when mercy is needed. I will see you elsewhere, I know. 
