More Snow!

 More Snow! (Friday, 11/18/22)

Even the older climate deniers here in Michigan say: I remember when I was a kid, we’d have a foot of snow by Halloween. And, I’m thinking . . . I don’t. But I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, so a little further south. Plus we didn’t have a Great Lake at our doorstep. Up here, Michigan is bordered on three sides by Great Lakes. So, yeah, from the north and west the winds and weather blow through and take that moisture and voila: Snow!

When I woke up this a.m. in my cozy Tiny House and climbed down the loft ladder and in the dark looked out the front door windows—there was literally, but not literally, a blanket of snow cascading down the decks off the main house sliding back door. It was perfect and pristine.

I wish as a writer I had another word than blanket or carpet. But, it is not a cliché, it is soft and inviting like a blanket and the undulating folds really do resembled mussed bed clothes.

When it is this fresh and white and glistening, one only wants to be out in it. So I did just that. I pulled on my repellant wind pants over my pajamas and put on my thick corduroy shirts and a pair of hiking boots and tromped out into the snow, the blanket. I made my way to the shed where there was a shovel and my winter boots. I guess I need them.

I shoveled my way back and cleared off the deck, especially the space in front of my door.

Now, only later, as the sky begins to lighten do I actually feel cold. The warmth of just awakening and the enthusiasm for this new—forced me outdoors. I’d rather be inside, but in a few hours I’ll make my way down the driveway and hop on my bike to go to work.—

Thank God I had the studded snow tires put on last week!
