Trying to Find Community

 I wrote a few posts ago about riding at night. Boy, do I miss Oregon.

After being here in Michigan for eight months, I expected to feel a bit more settled, at home. Yes and No.

In Oregon by now I’d had visited one national park and already gone camping for several nights. Nada here. I need to find a rhythm to bike camping a quick and easy getaways. In Eugene I could take the shuttle to the coast for $5 and go visit lighthouses for the day or go for a weekend to a state park along the coast. Public transportation could also take me into the mountains.

Here, I have use of my roommate’s car, but I just heard gas was over $5 a gallon. You see, I haven’t been paying attention since all I do is ride my bike to the shops, work, and appointments.

I’d like to branch out and meet more people—especially the cycling community. Especially since I work at a bike shop. It seems clubs and group rides are focused on speed. I’m not slow; it’s just that I don’t care. I want to be out there and riding. I remember many after dinner rides. Going west along Amazon Creek into the blinding evening light. Also in the evenings were spontaneous fire rings with friends and bike polo with the kids at the park. I’m looking for a similar vibe here in Okemos, MI.

I know I will eventually crack the social code—it’s just taking time.

Fern Ridge Path


