Spring is in the Air

As I’ve previously written: Spring is in the air here in Okemos, Michigan home of the . . . .

Not sure.

There are a lot of woods, leaves on the ground, deer wandering around, squirrels of various coats and colors, and birds. Lots of singing.

All this is somewhat new to me as someone who has been in doors working much of their adult life. I now wake up to the above. So . . .

Spring is in the air. There are so many fluctuations now between day and night. At night temps can get down to the teens and during the day soar to the high 50s. Even this can change on a dime and there be snow cover in the morning and melt by early afternoon.

The Norwegians have a saying: there’s not bad weather, but bad clothes. I will leave for work with layers and lobster gloves and for the ride home need sunglasses and go bare-handed. I pack an extra bag for the clothes abandoned for the ride home. With the time change, I also leave work in daylight. No need for blinkies and headlights—though I still sport the safety vest.

It is these fluctuations that get the tree sap running, bring us maple syrup, and keep my blood flowing. The ever-changing alterations of life in motion.


