New Work Out

I’m in an anthology from Sweetycat Press about Beauty.

I believe it was like New Year’s day when I sent in this beauty—a flash I’d written after an evening walk in my diverse, strange neighborhood in Chicago. Since then there’s been a pandemic, several moves, and just last week I got news one of the folks mentioned in my walk passed away, found frozen to death on the cold city streets.

So it is with melancholy and bittersweet memories I recall this submission, called What I Saw on my Walk Last Night, in the new anthology Beauty. Links below if you care to order.

What is beauty? We know not everyone thinks of the same things as beautiful. A morning sunrise can be wondrous or blinding. A flower can be lovely to look at, but deadly if tasted. Not everything that is beautiful can be seen or touched; it can also be a feeling. A beautiful thing like love can bring great joy, or great sorrow. In our journey through life we are taught to believe some things are beautiful and some things are ugly. But what if what we're taught turns out differently than how we experience for ourselves what is beautiful and what is ugly? In Beautiful: In the eye of the beholder, 200 contemporary authors and poets worldwide share in stories and poetry their experiences and thoughts on the subject of beauty in an anthology like no other.

Here is the Amazon link (check in your own country or region for its availability)
