Going to Work
Going to Work
This one morning
autumn crisp, the light
barely breaking, and leaves
the color of a riot circus,
ostentatious, blaring,
announcing themselves. Then
a car in front of me slows, swerves
and another . . .
I see the deer in the roadway
doing a GI crawl across traffic,
its hind legs dragging, its eyes
focused on the other side,
mouth grim and set.
And, who am I on the spectrum:
a little less or more than an animal
to the passing motorist, a cyclist
pausing in the lane, straddling her bike
holding out both arms to slow or stop
oncoming vehicles, waiting
for the injured deer to make it
to the grassy berm. To paradise.
After a matter of minutes, I continue,
my morning clouded with this image
of struggle, life and death, desire
to survive.