April, flash fiction month

 National English honor Society:


Continuing with the success of last year’s Poetry Challenge in mind, the NEHS writing challenge for the 2020-2021 school year will be Flash Fiction in multiple, brief forms. Writers will be challenged to create narratives that make impacts on readers using very limited words or characters. While some view the form as a relatively new phenomenon, brief fiction dates from centuries ago in ancient tales including Aesop’s Fables. Many famous authors, including Hemingway, Vonnegut, Chopin, among others, have written flash fiction, albeit under a variety of names.

In the UK June 6 is celebrated as National Flash Fiction Day.

Start conjuring up now entries!

There is still time for YOUTH to submit to this:

NFFD Youth Competition

About the 2021 NFFD Youth Competition:

Submission period: 15 February to 15 April 2021
unpublished work only
Long lists announced in mid-May, shortlists in late May, winners on National Flash Fiction Day, June 22
Winners and short-listed work will be published in a special edition of fingers comma toes

And, from Australia”

April, 30 days of flash challenges

Good luck Writers of all ages and memories!
