Good News!

I recently had an excerpt of my chapbook Bright Invisible in Utterance Journal

A short story will be out soon in THINK journal

It is titled Big Thompson and I used a method laid out by Rebecca Makkai author of The Great Believer and a finalist for the Pultizer Prize. She was teaching a class a few years ago at OCWW
where she said when trying to come up with ideas for a short story she sometimes let her ideas collide--for instance news of a recent gas leak/explosion and Holocaust survivors. She has a penchant for putting together incongruous scenarios and constructing a story. I thought: Why not? 

I'd had in mind several loose threads that had to do with water: New Burlington, Ohio that was abandoned and flooded to make way for a reservoir (Caesar Creek State Park) and a flood that occurred in Colorado along the Big Thompson in 1976. Adding other tidbits, I wove together a 5,000 word story. Forthcoming--Big Thompson.

Finally, Stoneboat a print journal contacted me to let me know they were including a reprint of past story in their 25th anniversary edition. Out soon once again, Exit 24.

Happy Fall--to all my readers!
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