Hot Flash Friday: Where do ideas come from

Though not technically a flash prompt, today in a few paragraphs I would like to impart ways to work inside or “get” ideas for writing.

I’ve written here in past posts about googling images from the World Wide Web. Usually that is after I’ve written something and need something in which to illustrate my ideas/opinions/feelings. 

Here are a few techniques I use to get ideas or get inside in order to write. Images are a huge part of the process. My imagination is ignited by expanding my view. The window by my writing desk only allows me to see so much. So lately I’ve been using:

Here is a way to travel without ever leaving your chair—and possibly feel really good about yourself. Just Breathe is a group site at Facebook. Not sure exactly who is behind it, but it comes together much like the proverb It Takes a Village. The photos are not hers. They are sourced from contributors and possibly—guess who?—the World Wide Web. Lisa Simone? Is that is actually the moderator/creator has gone to the trouble to collect, curate, and archive under different headings thousands of images which she posts throughout a 24-hour day. For example—I have no favorites because I love them ALL:

I also get notifications from Tiny House. This is small simple living like tear-drop trailer size or shipping container if you want to go larger. It is all about living small and not impacting the earth with your huge house footprint. It is about simplifying in order to smell the roses, the snow, or hear the grass growing. The ideas put forth inspire me. Here are a few:

Is about more than cute lovey-dovey pictures—though initially that is what drew me to the site and to sign up for notifications. Who can resist such simple displays of attention and love. They feed my soul.
The artist is from South Korea and is a young woman. Her interest or process stems from architecture. She browses an architecture library and from interior designs “grows” a picture of a happy couple. How many of us have ever passed by a window and accidentally looked in upon an intimate scene of family. As a young teen I helped my sister deliver newspapers. The Sunday morning ones were a huge chug-a-lug. I could maybe fit only a dozen on the bag on my bike. So together she and I could cover a neighborhood before returning to re-load. One Christmas morning I was busy doing my side of the street when I looked over and there was Nancy lost in thought, standing there! C’mon, I might have shouted, get going. (It was her route, why was I the boss?) She told me that while deliver the paper to a stoop she glanced up and saw a daddy kissing a mommy in the kitchen.

There was something wonderful about this picture that zoomed me into the moment. Christmas. White snow tracked with rabbit footprints. Early morning pink and golden glow on the horizon. A morning of great promise. Humanity, mankind, family. That couple embracing before the kids came down to rip open presents, before chaos ensued. Their moment became our moment. A memory that has traveled with me for nearly 35 years. Whew!

Anyway, Puuung enters these houses, these rooms and brings us simple acts of intimacy.
So my flash for today is to explore these sites and write. Create your own moment from inside. Escape.
