Riding around Sleeping Bear Dunes, part 2


Monday September 9, 2024, 35 miles (56 km) - Total so far: 39 miles (63 km)

What a wonderful day!

I had no idea how some of this was going to work out as far as bus schedule, distances, room for the bike. You see the bus only takes 3 bikes and knowing this is a popular tourist destination plus the Heritage Trail, I wanted to be early. I was very excited and got to the BATA station a half hour before departure. I was the only one there. The bus, Route 11, took an hour to get to Glen Arbor.

It was not immediately apparent where to pick up the trail. I finally saw a lone cyclist (it was 9:30 a.m. a bit early as it is past the season) and he told me where to go. Everything was well-signed and easy.

At Glen Haven I met Mary also a newbie on the trail. I said I didn't know how much time it would take to get to Empire and if I'd need more water. She seemed to think one bottle was enough. I thought it was 20 miles to Empire, 40 round trip. I was there in maybe 10 miles. We rode together for a few miles until we hit a series of rollers and she slowed down.

I made a wrap, ate, and visited the National Park Visitor Center. Where I learned that the scenic drive had all the cool stuff. But the guy tried to talk me out of riding it. Finally he said why don't I decide when I get to the entrance to the drive, which is just off the Heritage Trail.

Again, a whole litany of questions at the little hut. The ranger asked me what I thought of the last hill. I seriously had no idea what she was talking about. The other ranger asked me From which direction I came. I answered I'd done both as I was doubling back. Ok, she said, times that last hill by 5.

All I knew was, the scenic drive was 7.5 miles and after that add 7 more back to Glen Arbor to catch my bus at 4:30. I asked them, can I do this drive in 2 hours?

Yes. Great. I was on my way. It was challenging, but I have good stamina and a wide range of gears. I only used my middle chain wheel, but all seven in the back.

Did I mention what a perfect day it was? The temps were cool for climbing and traffic was light. At all the stops car passengers were like, You're the lady on the bike! Good job!

I kept catching up to the same 2 ladies who wanted to take my pic at the overlooks. The views were why I decided to do the drive. The Heritage Trail was nice, but truthfully it could be anywhere. You didn't have the sense you were at Sleeping Bear Dunes until you stood at the edge of a dune overlook and gazed down at the Lake Michigan waters. The colors were something out of the Caribbean, different colors of blue--azure to ice--and teal near the shore. With the deep blue sky, I felt like I was in heaven.

With all the dire warnings, I did the drive handily in a little over an hour, including all the turnouts and overlooks.

In fact, I made it back to Glen Arbor with time to spare. There I got a coffee and a piece of cherry pie and visited the galleries.oh, and Cherry Republic where I bought something cherry.

Such a great day!!!
