Catching Up

I think I’ve shared here at the blog that 2023 was a very successful year as far as publication of various pieces: both micro, blended, and the short story. Thus, I began 2024 knowing I needed to produce.

I felt so much pressure that it stymied me.

It seemed I only had time for the blog entries. I was keeping up with three posts a week—just. But ongoing submissions and writing down new ideas was taking a hit. Not to mention actually beginning a project that would take multiple sittings. I get very anxious leaving things undone.

For one month I’ve had loose ends as I’ve strived to complete one short story.

In the past month I’ve had exactly 3 days off—and even then off is relative. One was unexpected as I showed up to work early voting at the municipal center and they said they didn’t need me, and the other two days I still helped with child care as I took Jack to the library and playdate with my friend Sepi.

I have even been cutting down the amount of time for exercise, runs consist of lapping a couple of blocks; I’ve been so driven to complete a single story.

This quiet rainy morning before leaving for work I can finally say I’m turning a corner. I’m reading over what might be a finished story—a first draft, but words on a page, butt in chair story. Thanks to the heavens and the space/time continuum.


Many more to go, yet, to fill the quiver of new work.
