Time is Spinning Out

 Things are slowly winding up here. Sad, and yet exciting. It’s been hard to sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I think of what I need to pack, who to say goodbye to, things to return before leaving.

My last day of work according to the calendar was yesterday, but, again, real-life has imposed itself and I agreed to help out because my boss’s daughter is about to deliver. An ultrasound confirmed what was thought to be a big baby as now twins. This has thrown a wrench—hahaha, bicycle pun—into plans.

Monday morning my roommate and his girlfriend took me out to breakfast. We were celebrating a visit from his sister as well as a birthday, plus my going-away. So it was fun, full of stories and laughter.

Before packing up my camping stuff, I need to decide if I might work in one more coast ride and camp-out. I hate to say goodbye to the Pacific Northwest.
