A Year Ago

I was in a pandemic.

I was sad.

I was all alone.

I took off on my bike, to ride half-way across the country.

A year ago, I was in Iowa fighting wind, a plague of moths, spokes breaking, a sore butt.

I was lost. A lot.

Thirsty, dehydrated.

Caught in the rain.

Climbing in my lowest chain gear.

Meeting a Welshman in the middle of nowhere.

Trying to figure out where I was—metaphysically, existentially, in a time/space continuum.

I was eating breakfast sandwiches from Casey’s, Italian subs from Subway, ravioli from a can.

I was looking for food after miles of nothing.

I was talking a park manager into letting me camp as Covid had shut down everything.

Basically I was living for miles and begging for a place to rest at night.


Fast forward.


I have a grandson, a new address, and 2 published essays from last year’s travels (the latest accept by The Account—stay tuned on when it will be available.)


Sandy said…
Glad to have been on your journey with you through your journal.