The Foot Doctor

Image result for fungus toe

We used to have a resident foot doctor called Mr. Fung--an unfortunate name.

I'm not sure why it took three years--my feet have been killing me--to make an appointment to see the foot doctor. My quality of foot life has gone way downhill. I went from running 5 miles to 3 to 1 to none. I haven't run for months now because of my feet.

Today I walked over to the Foot Clinic. After checking in I sat and waited. There were some sorry characters there. People who had had toes amputated, who sat in wheelchairs, who limped in on crutches. I wanted to run out of there--except I couldn't.

Finally my name was called. I was shown to an office where I kicked off my shoes and socks and prayed. Not to say there hasn't been moments when I wanted to lop off the undesirable bumps now crowding the bottom of my feet--I just didn't want it to happen now. Or without numbing.

The doctor came in and said her name. I didn't catch it because she was busy studying my feet. And within seconds--I'm not kidding--she was scraping my feet with a sharp object.

I can't say it felt good, but it didn't matter because after a minute she was done.


I checked. She'd removed calluses the size and color of cornflakes, bony spurs, even the big one the size of a marble= gone. I walked, skipped out of the office a liberated woman, ready to run.

If you have been putting off getting the knobs and bumps on your feet checked out--don't delay! Go to the Foot Clinic at 4646 N. Marine Drive and ask for Nicole Fields. She was so fast it left time leftover for a coffee at Everybody's.
