This Morning, One Moment

A maple tree flames, catches fire
Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, cloud, grass, outdoor and nature
As the sun slowly slips over the horizon
The cross-country runners lap the track
The world continues to glow
Shooting golden rays over the frosted blades
I am reminded of the movie, Dead Poet’s Society
Autumn leaves trigger scenes of prep school boys
Crossing manicured lawns, school books under their arms
Captain, Oh Captain, Robin Williams, the blue twinkle in your eyes
Knox Overstreet, Richard Cameron, Steven Meeks, Pitts and Dalton
Puck, Ariel, The Tempest, Midsummer’s Night Dream
Make your lives extraordinary
There will come a time when you must choose
Which way will you go, who will you follow?
Plotted on the horizontal and the vertical
—or to some other drummer
Will you disappoint the status quo,
Lead a revolt, stand against power
Run you own race?
Pay tribute to the ethereal gods of nature
Of poetry and dance—
Oh, Captain, my Captain!
Follow your heart!

In this one second of standing still the tree
Flickers and burns, and I—
I walk on, full of resolve and—
so many memories.
