Hot Flash Friday: happiness, mug, converter

I’ve discovered a new website for contests and calls for submissions. Comps & Calls by Cathy. Every month Cathy puts up a fresh batch of journals both print and online where you can submit—either flash, poetry, essay or fiction.

Here is a great way to take the inspiration or boot in the butt of prompts and come up with a flash.
15th Apr Story up to 500 words, including the words ‘happiness’, ‘mug’ and ‘converter’. PAYING

The nice thing about Cathy’s blog is that many of the calls PAY for work:
MASH competition aims to spot rock star quality storytellers. We like innovative ideas, but we are not keen on too many rules.
Our competition rules are simple. Every three months, three random objects are selected from a randomly gathered list. Writers are invited to incorporate them into a short, sensible and convincing story.
$100 for the winning story! All shortlisted stories are published on our website, and Mash Club stories are narrated by professional voice actors and broadcast in MASH podcast.
Get rockin’. You have one week to enter!
