Hot Flash Friday—Clearing TSA
was something started in February 2009 by Tim Sevenhuysen. The goal was to post
a 50-word story EVERDAY for one year. Well, that was 6 years ago and the rest
is history—he’s still going. With a little help from reader submissions.
What is a 50-Word Story?
From the website: A 50-word story is a piece of fiction written in exactly 50 words. That doesn’t mean “roughly” 50 words; it doesn’t mean “as close to 50 words as possible”; it doesn’t mean 50 words or fewer. It means exactly 50 words.
As with any other form of fiction, a 50-word story should have a beginning and an end, a plot and character development (even if they are only implied), and a theme, meaning, or purpose of some sort. Many 50-word stories are built around twists or climactic moments.
To submit your stories for possible publication, see the Submissions page. A $10 prize is available for the best submission each month.
So why not set yourself a 50-word challenge and write
EVERYDAY about something EVERYDAY. And, since this blog is about inciting,
giving a poke to our memories, why not write about Clearing TSA. What’s this
like for you? Is there pent-up anxiety followed by instant relief? What do you
think about whilst standing in line? What could possible go wrong?
I picked Clearing TSA because it is something we have ALL
gone through—as opposed to childbirth, winning a $902 million dollar lottery,
etc. We’ve all queued up shoeless to expose our underwear, our carry-on, or
toiletries in zip-loc baggies. What was your latest experience?
AND don’t be afraid to take a memory and re-shape it.
Francis Bacon, the artist has been quoted as taking an idea and pouring it over
the nervous system—to heighten it emotionally.