Her Story

Question from a 4th grade history quiz: Why did Washington cross the Delaware?
Answer I filled in the blank with: To get to the other side.

I was terrible at history. I could not tell a Roman Republic from a Roman Empire—apparently this is very important and, yes, I flunked this quiz also.

Yet I was able to imagine history. Not like an abstract timeline, but the story in history.

I could close my eyes and see the cave-dark origins of the Neanderthal, see the women walking on the prairie behind wagons into canyons of deep unknown. I saw the Little House on the Prairie! I played with Laura and Mary—and prayed with them when Jack their dog went missing. I was with Hemingway in the Italian Alps fighting and falling in love, over and over again, in Paris and Pamplona, Cuba and Key West.

I can tell you stories. Right now I’m working on a revision of a YA historical novel where I’m trying to make it as authentic as possible.

Hang in there with me as I’ve been slow these past months on posting at the blog.
