Flash Fiction World

Hi Folks I've spent this recent heat wave in an unairconditioned room sweating over this blog--adding and expanding PLACES TO SUBMIT.

Also check out Flash Fiction World, Volume 4, Edited by Vic Errington. This anthology contains over 70 short shorts, flashes from around the world.

"Milk Teeth" by an award-winning flash writer from New Zealand named Leanne Radojkovich caught my attention. It is about a young woman sent to clean up a house left vacant with its elderly tenant passed away.

I unzipped the purse, turning it upside down. Four tiny teeth fell into the palm of my hand.
BUY THE BOOK to read the rest.

I "met" the editor Vic Errington online (he lives and writes from the UK) when I contacted him about guest blogging for Flash Fiction World website dedicated to flash fiction. Many people working with flash think in terms of fiction, but since there are no true genres, they have been genuinely open to my submitting articles about flash memoir. Here is a link to my article. How To Write Flash Memoir=Flash Fiction world (UK)
