Happy New Year

"When big hearts strike together, the concussion is a little stunning."--in a letter from Melville to Hawthorne

That's what I'm about. This next year I want to have a big heart, go bold, be not afraid. I also like the part about striking together. I'm tired of the little jingles, the sound barely heard above the din around me. I want to ring out--and to accomplish this I might have to find similar hearts willing to sound together.

Interestingly enough, Melville penned this letter on the cusp of launching Moby-Dick--a book that would ultimately sink his career. No one knew what to do with that book. It was like none other, and thus fell off the charts.

That's me again--always on the cusp, working on something that leaves editors shaking their heads. It's too micro, too macro, too juvenile (do they mean YA?), too cross-over, too outside, tooooo. What they mean is: Who will read this?

2013 will be the year I find my reader(s). Let's strike together, eh?
