The Triple Whammie?

I watch YouTube before bed as a way to wind down and something Jimmy Kimmel said resonated with me: A sick joke about Covid, influenza, and RSV. I’ve been wondering if I might be a victim.

About a week before Christmas I wasn’t feeling the best—we assumed because the one child is in nursery school that he’d brought something home. We were all congested which led to coughs. Even the baby would cough, then sneeze, then give a puppy-size yelp. My son-in-law is an expert at de-snoggling with a contraption that he uses to suck snot out. Definitely leave this to the experts, I thought.

Christmas we all were slugging back hot drinks, taking Mucinex, and slipping away for naps.

I thought surely by New Year’s we’d all be better, but instead I’d wedged into a constant cough and head sludge that was s l o w l y draining, On top of all this brain fog and sleep loss and physical molasses, was the weather: a complete funk. No snow, every day low clouds, thus no sun, rain, everywhere gray. It was a perfect cauldron for viruses.

I never went anywhere or “gathered”; I didn’t test for Covid or go to a doctor—mostly because I thought, Why? I’m obviously sick and will hopefully get better—tomorrow. But, like a freight train, with one car after another, I probably had all three. Despite being vaccinated.

Now, 10 days after the New Year, I’m just now starting to feel like a human. I fear I’ve lossed muscle and gained pounds, but at least yesterday I did a walk/run to come home and blow my nose. On the mend, I hope.
