My friends are authors


The above titles are from 2 of the people I visited on my Rhine River Ride this past fall. Neither is available in English translation.

Mia's book is a look at the Ego ( HAPPYNINGS & LESS EGO….MORE LIFE) from a psychologist point of view, Mia is a vibrant person and speaker and her book is meant to shake the reader into action. She has been busy promoting it at the Frankfurt Book Festival and been the featured guest on numerous podcasts, etc. I'm grateful that she was able to take time out to host me.

My Sex is a compilation of highly curated interviews with various women into their inner lives and physical needs. The subjects run the gamut--including a recent refugee. Monica is not a trained psychologist or sociologist, but has come to the subject out of her own curiosity and wanting to get these women's voices out there. 

Congrats to both Monica and Mia
