Negative Two

What does it feel like . . below zero

So during this cold snap it got down to -2, then 2, then a few days the high was 8, 9, then 10. It’s all relative. Freezing. Lung burning. Eye tingling.

The big difference is feeling like I might actually die.

I ride my bike everywhere. No matter the temperature.

The first really cold day was the worst and scariest. Even though the commute is only 1.7 miles, I worried about ending up as road kill, a forlorn little match girl on the side of the road. Much like the opossum that’s been there for a week already now turned into s mogul. Anyway, I left wearing three pant layers and a thick blanket-type sweater over my work t-shirt.

After the negative two benchmark, everything else felt like a moderation. One less layer, or slightly not as cold.

Outside of the extra clothes, I’ve been packing in the calories. Hot soup, yes, please! Never say never to hot chocolate! A little more pasta on the plate! I feel like a Russian peasant making it through a Siberian winter instead of a Michigander with electric heating. Where, even, the garage is heated.

So I didn’t die and yesterday went for a run. I’m being careful. It’s just that after almost a week of freezing cold, I’m a bit stir crazy and need a break—even if it means getting out. Onward and upward, in long underwear.
