Riding around Sleeping Bear Dunes, part 3


Leelanau Trail and Old Mission Peninsula (east arm of Traverse Bay)

Tuesday September 10, 2024, 60 miles (97 km) - Total so far: 99 miles (159 km)

I did A LOT of riding today and am seriously tired. I haven't done this many daily miles in about
3 months, plus temps climbed to 84 this afternoon. All this to say I did a killer couple of rides in
one day.

First, I started at 8:30 again at the BATA station taking the route 10 bus up to Sutton's Bay. I quickly got sorted to a public restroom, a trail map, and the actual start of the trail. It was a relaxing, event free 17 miles. Very pastoral, no big climbs, but also no views of the bay. You had no idea you were on a peninsula surrounded by water. It was mostly orchards, honeybee meadows, and forest. I certainly didn't overheat with so much nice shade.

Then I made my way through Traverse City. The waterfront street and accompanying bike trail are torn up due to construction. So I had to follow detour signs and use a combination of TART and streets. By Bryant Park along the waterfront I used the bathroom and refilled my water bottle. There I met another cyclist doing the exact same thing. He, too, was going up to Mission Point Lighthouse at the very top of the arm. He showed me some Garmin maps that helped me and data points: namely, that it would be 41 miles round trip. I was already at 19. This would be a 60 mile day if I did the whole thing. Wasn't sure I was up for it.

But, there was a great tail wind and all the way up I followed the shore, bayline. At the top was a lighthouse and more views of the lake.

On the way back there was more wind and hills until I could get off M37 and on the west side ride Peninsula Drive. Again, beautiful views of glistening water and sail boats. Traffic was very light. All in all, another great day of riding. I just need to rehydrate and eat a little chocolate.

this and following pics from Leelanau Trail

old potato barn

old general store on Old Mission Peninsula

replica of Old Mission Church

lighthouse at tip of peninsula

view of water from tip
