
I’ve been thinking about signs—not the blaring neon ones, but the quiet foreshadowing ones that predict (possibly) the future. Some people attribute them to God, some the universe or Karma. I wasn’t quite sure.

Even before my move across the country at the end of December, I’ve been in a state of transition. A nebulous place—much like the rough patch beside the highway that technically is part of the roadway but also a netherland often full of McDonald’s wrappers, one shoe, assorted garbage, and other stuff chucked out of car windows. Yeah, a little mixed up, not quite sure of who I am, what I wanted, or where I was going.

Then I saw a sign.

To be honest, my friend saw it first. Sandy, as she was backing out of her parking spot after we’d packed up the van with my stuff to go to the airport, said “Look! A sign.”

I tried to see, but there was a brick wall in front of us. “What!?”

She jabbed her finger toward a fence about 3 feet long that separated the row of parking from a postage-stamp size yard. “A falcon.”

Indeed it was a bird, bigger than a sparrow or robin, bigger than a raven or pigeon those ubiquitous bottom feeders. He sat statuesque, his beady eye peaked and ready. A sign of what, I wondered. Then, realized, it didn’t matter. He didn’t belong here, in the inner city perched between a Dumpster and the cars. His domain was fields, forests, elsewhere. He came to say Godspeed, you can do this. Look at me! I’m a sign!

I accepted that word, not totaling buying into the whole universe aligning thing, but somehow knowing I wasn’t some random shoe lost in the weeds by the road. I wasn’t alone.


Unknown said…
This is excellent.