A First, flash series #5

In May 1970 James Schuyler mentions Izaak Walton, Complete Angler, Walton Lives—biographies on Donne, George Herbert ,etc and Dorothy Wordsworth, Journals, 2 vols. in his Diary. Later on August 17, 1970 on Great Spruce Head Island, Schuyler quotes from the Memoir of Thomas Bewick. Thomas Bewick (1753 – 1828) English engraver, credited with reviving the technique of wood engraving. His Memoir contains absorbing descriptions of his Northumberland childhood—from Cambridge Guide to Literature in English

8/12/70 (a poem, which appeared in The Crystal Lithium)

In early August among the spruce
Fall parti-colored leaves
From random birch that hide
Their crowns up toward the light—
Deciduously needle-nested—
Among the tumbled rocks—a
man-made scree below a house—
a dull green sumach blade
slashed with red clearer than
blood a skyline blue red a first
fingertap, a gathering, a climax
